Monday, October 12, 2015

Without Peer

Click on the cards to enlarge.

Actually, the cards in this update are very much WITH Peer... Peer Gynt, that is. Henrik Ibsen is perhaps my favorite playwright, but Peer Gynt is not my favorite of his works, by a long shot: it's flat-out allegory, which makes it pretty much not to my taste. It did, however, make perfect material for the pen or Arthur Rackham, who created twelve illustrations and a wraparound cover for his edition of the book. 

Here's a raw scan, a high-resolution PNG of that cover. I did not make a card out of this image; it is pretty much a simplified version of the book's frontispiece, which I did use on a card that was revealed in the last update.

Last time, I showed you the choices of Oracle Bags on offer with deck... this time I'll show you the two reading mats I've created to go with the deck. The first is heavily distressed, but the second one I haven't touched. Both images are from Rackham's Misummer Night's Dream.

Only two more updates to go! The Rackham Oracle is coming soon!

-- Frede.